How Eric Ward Became LinkMoses…
For over twenty years I’ve helped web sites and other digital content assets get discovered. People refer to me as a link building expert, but that is not what I am. The reality is “link building” is a dated concept, and doesn’t do justice to the process needed to succeed onlne today.
I’m a content linking strategist, and I’ve spent thousands of hours (and dollars) analyzing how the web’s vast link graph impacts how content is discovered. I use what I’ve learned to help my clients. I’ve spoken at 150+ industry conferences, worked with over 1,000 web sites, and years ago I was speaking at a conference on a panel with Matt Cutts, when someone introduced me as “Link Building Moses“. It was either Danny Sullivan, Chris Sherman, or Mike Grehan. Everyone in the audience laughed. Ha ha ha. Very funny. I get it. I’ve been vocally against link schemes and manipulation, and I’ve been online since modems were the only way to go online. I think I still have an AOL account.
But…the linking strategist in me saw a light bulb come on. I recognized the opportunity “LinkMoses” might represent, and now I’m having the linking equivalent of the last laugh with thousands links I’ve attracted by turning LinkMoses into an online persona. LinkMoses proved to be a great way to attract links, naturally.
In addition to developing linking strategies for clients, I offer link development consulting, training, RFP vetting, and for those considering purchasing web sites, I provide M/A counsel and recommendations based on my own proprietary linking analytics. For companies looking to hire their own in-house linking strategists, my experience will help you evaluate and screen candidates to make sure you make the right hire.
Lastly, a few years ago I turned LinkMoses into LinkMoses Private, an inexpensive fee-based subscription newsletter/report containing actionable linking strategy advice, vetted linking opportunities, curated linking tips, and Q/A videos.
LinkMoses Private costs a whopping $8 per month.
Why so inexpensive? Because anyone not willing to pay $8 needs to find a new line of work, and anyone who thinks a newsletter than only costs $8 can’t be useful has been brainwashed into believing that they have to spend a fortune to succeed. I’m living proof that you don’t.
As the great Joost de Valk said…
A mere $8 a month? That, my friends, is hilariously little money. Good solid links, with great instructions on how to get them. I’ve subscribed for less than 2 months and already, I’ve gotten several links out of the link building tips. Now you see why I think all of you, should go and subscribe to LinkMoses Private.
I hope you will, too. If you’d like to know more about me, here’s my full Bio.
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